Tuesday, September 11, 2007


...I return...

Its been amazingly busy for me (Amazing is by far the best word to describe what I've been going through). I've been on vacation (and before that putting in WAYYYYY too many hours at work). We've (Crayons, Mr. T., the kids, and I) went on a cruise to the Bahamas ala Disney. It was amazing (there's that word again) fun.

We made it home Monday around 12:03 am EST exhausted in all the wrong ways. I had the pleasure of the appearance of an impacted wisdom tooth for a portion of the vacation and will undergo the knife tomorrow afternoon to excise the problem. As a result, my other posts this week (and I assume there will be more seeing as how I probably won't be able to move from my position here on the couch) will be sponsored by Vicodin.

Sorry for the absence and thanks for hanging around ;)

See ya soon!

1 comment:

Snow White said...

Glad to know you're okay. I've missed you. More glad to know that you got some fun in while you were away.

I had impacted wisdom teeth removed. It wasn't too bad. Just follow the doctors orders, and you'll be up and around in no time. But, it will be good to see you posting again!