Saturday, October 6, 2007

Seven Things...

- Crayons tagged me.

1. I've never been blog-tagged before.

2. I was born in Belgium (I am a military brat).

3. I was in the marching band in high school *cough*band geek*cough*.

4. Obviously, I did survive my surgery and have just been absent for other reasons.

5. I was a computer engineering major in my freshman year of college but changed to a double major of psychology and criminal justice. Had to leave college, wound up working in the civil engineering field while trying to finish my degree--only a business degree this time.

6. I once had an agent for acting.

7. Did you know I'm actually published now? If you're a gamer geek, please pick up a copy and support my habit :D


Snow White said...

I'm just glad you're alive and okay. I was getting a little suspiciou... I know 24 Crayons is a nice person, but those midgets I've seen her with... I'm not so sure about them! ;-)

Glad you're posting again!

24crayons said...

Why I'll have you know those midgets are good people!! A little creepy when motivated but still good people!
