Thursday, June 28, 2007

HNT: Awkward & Innocent & Girly

Ahhhh...a pic of my legs pressed together in true, innocent girly-fashion. Sexy, right? If that doesn't draw the women in, I'm sure the index of a role-playing book will help to steal their hearts and souls...

Okay, maybe not.

Role-playing always manages to find me in the most awkward of positions, with Crayons holding a camera to immortalize the moment. There's a lovely photo she has of my hand in a very effeminate gesture (of course, I was letting my nails dry since she felt the pressing need to paint them).

So, here's the first of what I'm sure will be many awkward HNT photos of yours truly.

An update on my chess games with Crayons: She won again this past week (go her!). She's of the mind now that when she wins, I should have to lose clothing for HNT. Which, I admit, might sound a little fun ;)

And finally, an update on life: One of my summer classes ends later today (I have a 7 page paper I need to knock out by 9 am). That will afford a little more time; hopefully, I'll be able to pop in around here more often.

Happy HNT!

Until next time...


24crayons said...

Where IS that picture of your beautiful painted nails?

Happy HNT!!

I promise to take lots of awkward pictures.. because they're better that way. :-P

Vixen said... ;)


Snow White said...

Nice pic! Is that another bruise I see on your knee? LOL Glad you're about to finish a class that might give you more time here... I was getting tired of your purple brain! ;-)

tkkerouac said...

Very nice girly girly shot
Happy HNT!

Shibari said...

HHNT! i love the photo!