Monday, January 28, 2008


I ran a mile and a half tonight to help stretch my body out (on top of my normal stretching) so that I could venture into the complex world of Bellydancing.

Yes, you read that word correctly. Bellydancing.

As a man, I'm socially trained to believe that the "love-handle" is the most hideous spot of the male body (despite the ugliness of some...ahem...other body parts). Whether or not my Handles of Love are nearly as bad as I imagine them to be, they certainly felt as if they were getting in the way tonight.

Bellydancing grabbed my Handles of Love by the hair and showed them who the real man of the house was.

Now, my abdomen is crying out in sweet, sweet pain for more. My arms want to dance like silky serpents through the air. My hips demand that I move in sexy ways (if I were proficient, that is) that they've never wanted to before.

I just wonder if this feeling will pass before I go to work tomorrow. Otherwise, I may be shaking my ass, hips, or many other body parts as I undulate up and down the walkways tomorrow. I'll let you know if I receive any harassment claims.

Oh, and sorry, no pics ;)

Until next time...

1 comment:

24crayons said...

Brilliant. Thank you for your participation.