Wednesday, October 17, 2007

HNT - With the Spiked-ed Hair.

I haven't violated this aspect of the HNT rules just yet. I haven't overused it. Not in the slightest.

So here it HNT violated by the cuteness that is my hellspawn. I promise not to overuse this, but, I figured since I've been absent for a's a decent return.

The hair is spiked-ed in the pictures because of a bit of psoriasis (I blame my father for that...the genes skipped a generation and I have no maladies). Anyway, I ask only that you bask in the glory that is my son, Aidan. He's beautiful...and amazing...and almost always wearing a smile (which we all need at times)...


Polt said...

And he's styling too, ain't he??? Isn't that exactly the style the kids on OC are wearing? :)


Vixen said...

That's awesome. Totally awesome!!!


Anonymous said...

He is soooo cute!
Rawkin the hawk!!!

Snow White said...

Totally adorable! I think I see some family resemblence there! Happy HNT! (And welcome back to the blogging world. Hope to read more soon!)

TK Kerouac said...

Adorable, happy HNT!

Johanne said...


24crayons said...

Very cute, and of course thank you for leaving his headrest out of the picture... I'm grateful :)