Thursday, August 2, 2007

Aarrrrggggghhhhhhhhh HNT!

Aaaarrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh! I promise ye, this'll be thee last pirate-themed aych-an-tee tha' ye'll see in some time! Aaaarrrgggghhh.

So, that's me in last weekend's birthday party get up. Its a better picture with my bright blue eyes...but if I gave it all away in one photo, then this wouldn't be half-nekkid, would it?

I wonder if either of the other blokes involved have blogged about the party...or if that's something I should write out...

ah well. Its late...and I should probably start to wind down for bed.

Goodnight, all! And HHNT!!!!


morgetron said...

Now all you need is a ship tattooed across your chest. When that happens, I'm sure it'll be fine to resurect the pirate theme.


Shibari said...

mmm arrrrgh may I be your wench? heh HHNT!

tkkerouac said...

Love a man in uniform, care to share your HNT in tonights favourites?
Happy HNT!

24crayons said...

A ship would have been awesome!~ Why didn't we think of that!?

Still great pic though..


Polt said...

all you need's a parrot on your shoulder and you're ready to roll. :)


Snow White said...

You gotta love a guy wearing a sword! happy hnt!

SignGurl said...

I'm a sucker for a pirate!

Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!

Regal said...

Happy HNT!

tkkerouac said...

You are up in favourites Pirate, come say hello

Mr. T said...

I'm getting the pictures in order so I can tell the tale of the Curst Pirate and the booty... ;)

Lapis Ruber said...

Very dashing, "Jim Lad" Belated HHNT

=^..^= said...

this pirate picture is rated ARRRRGH!!! i love it! if you wanna be a pirate get up on your can't be a pirate if you're sitting in you seat!! ARRRRRGH!!! =^..^=