Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I figured I should check back in before HNT this week. For those of you that don't know me (yeah, there are a few of you out there), I'll give a quick run down of my general life situation: I am a twenty-five year old guy with a two-point-five year old son, a full-time (and then some) job, and recently I returned to school to finish out a business degree.

There are a lot of nit-picky details intertwined in that general statement (e.g. I share custody of Aidan on a weekly basis with my ex-) but I'll not dive too far into those right now. If ever I seem absent from this blog, I warn you now it is probably because of part or all of the above. I will drop in at least once a week for HNT though ;) so you can look forward to a bunch of pics if nothing else.

So, I'm back in school and loving it. Maybe I should have become a scholar... Its a lot of fun being back and meeting a variety of people. Because I'm picking up a few classes at a community college before transferring into a "real" school to finish the degree, I meet people from all walks of life.

There are the Naive-Children (18-20 year olds) that have no idea what life has in store for them. I used to be one of those.

There are the Get-Back-On-Trackers (21-30 year olds mostly) that hit a few detours (children, traveling, etc.) who are finally pulling their lives together and blossoming into "adulthood". That's me now.

There are also a few of the I-Love-to-Learn scholars (any age but most that I've met are in the 30+ range). They're there for the sheer joy they find in learning. Maybe I'll be one of those someday.

For now, I have to buckle down and find a calm center in the madness of my life. If only I can make it through statistics and my Wednesday morning of meetings...

Off to bed with me. I have to be up early for a little DDR. G'night.


Snow White said...

Okay, now should I be worried since you didn't drop in for HNT this week?

=^..^= said...

wow, it's great to get a little insight on you! glad to hear you're enjoying classes. i think i myself am one of the latter. i just love to learn. anyhow, good on ya! love. *is hnt a secret society i'm not allowed in? =^..^=

24crayons said...

We just forgot about HNT last week - this week we're going to fix it up early :P