Hi. My name is Ron and I'm a gamer. It has been twenty hours and thirty eight minutes since my last game (as of writing this particular sentence...make that thirty nine minutes).
By gamer, I am not referring to those MMORPGs. I have never managed to maintain much enthusiasm for those games (I grow bored with computer and console games LOOOOOOONG before I ever finish them). No, when I call myself a gamer, I am referring to pencil and paper role-playing games.
Anyway, it doesn't really matter what I like to do with my spare time. The whole setup is to explain that the image I'm linking is actually for my gaming group. I created it, from scratch, for them. Partially, I created it because I wanted to test out some new software that I may end up using for other creative endeavors.
The characters of my player are in a party they have named The Company of the Burning Stag. This is their standard:
I am very proud of the way it turned out.